Monday, October 17, 2011

Progress, Part I

Seriously, back off with the shears, lady. We will eat your house.

Female human tenant with dull and ancient gardening shears: 1  --
Crazy Dr. Seuss bushes on side of house: nil.
(Okay, well, maybe 0.35 if you count the scratches on my legs and arms, the sneezing, and the, "Gaaah! Spider web! Spider web!" heeby-jeeby dance).
So much for the zen bonsai experience...more pics and story of yard pseudo-transformation to come...
Big Hugs,


  1. Wow! Those are Dr. Seuss-esque! Kat, I'm rootin' for you!

  2. You go girl! That's a big job! And they really do look like Dr. Seuss bushes. Great comparison. "If you give a girl a shear" could be the next book.
